Overview of Fertility Treatments

Fertility clinic in Warangal can be visited to sort out infertility issues and fertility treatments. Fertility doctor in Warangal has also the required expertise to deliver healthy babies.

In women, infertility is treated with Fertility drugs and hormones to help the woman ovulate or restore levels of hormones. Surgery to remove tissue that is blocking fertility (such as endometriosis) or to open blocked fallopian tubes is also performed. Fertility clinic in Warangal know it all as far as fertility treatment is concerned.

Once the fertility evaluation of the couple is done, the other treatment options are thought of. Fertility treatment typically does refer to medications that do stimulate egg or sperm production, or procedures that do involve the handling of eggs, sperm, or embryos. Medications alone may be used, or they may be used alongside intrauterine insemination (IUI), IVF treatment, or surgical interventions. Women prefer to take fertility treatment drugs as compared to men.

Two of the most common fertility treatments happen to be: Healthy sperm is collected as well as inserted directly into one’s uterus when a person is ovulating. Eggs are then taken from one’s ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab, where they tend to develop into embryos. Then the doctor does put the embryos into one’s uterus.

Patients can feel comfortable in the expert hands of fertility doctor in Warangal.

More about fertility treatments

Treating infertility does go beyond fertility treatments. Infertility treatment can also include surgical interventions, such as lifestyle changes, weight loss, or treatment of an underlying medical condition.

One’s infertility treatment plan will much depend on the cause or causes behind one’s infertility, whether the problem is from the woman’s side, the man’s side, both sides, or remains perhaps unexplained.

The positive aspect of fertility treatment is that 85 to 90% of couples are treated with low-tech treatments, such as medication or surgery. Less than 5% are rather treated by assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF. Of those who do receive fertility treatments, only under half will eventually have a baby.

Fertility drugs are medications that are used to stimulate ovulation, but they can also be made use of to stimulate sperm production in some cases of male infertility. Ovulation disorders count up to 25% of female factor infertility cases. This is the most common reason for fertility drug treatment. The fertility drugs can also be used during an IUI cycle and are almost always made use of during IVF treatment, even if ovulation is not necessarily the cause of infertility for the couple. Fertility drugs can indeed stimulate ovulation 80% of the time. Common fertility drugs are like Clomid, Femara, and Gonadotropins.

Other Medication Options

  • Baby aspirin
  • Birth control pills
  • Dopamine agonists, such as bromocriptine
  • GnRH agonists or GnRH antagonists
  • Metformin
  • Progesterone

Insemination or IUI Treatment

Intrauterine insemination, also referred to as artificial insemination, happens to be a procedure that does involve placing specially washed sperm directly into one’s uterus. The success rate of IUI is not very high.

Surgical Fertility Treatments

In some cases of female infertility, problems occur with the fallopian tubes or even with the lining of the pelvis as well as abdomen.

In case the HSG shows possible blockage of one’s tubes, the doctor may opt for laparoscopic surgery to evaluate the situation, and then deal with the problem. If infection is there, treatment may then require surgery as well as antibiotics.

At times blockage or scarring is not repairable and therefore IVF may be suggested as treatment. Another surgical treatment possibility is surgical hysteroscopy. This can be used in the case of adhesions inside the uterine cavity itself.

Ovarian drilling is a possible surgical infertility treatment for PCOS-related infertility.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) does refer to fertility treatments that does involve the handling of eggs or even embryos. This does include IVF, GIFT, and ZIFT. IVF which is the most common form of ART in use today.

Overview of Fertility Treatments

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