7 Reasons to Consider Frozen Embryo Transfer

The best infertility doctor in Hyderabad knows his or her job well and it is worth visiting the best infertility center in Hyderabad for reliable and professional treatment.

A procedure that happens to follow after an in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, Embryo freezing (fertilized egg freezing) is rather performed after additional embryos are meant o be preserved. Even in case, a person is not prepared for IVF, it is possible to choose to freeze embryos rather than the eggs for future IVF treatments.

The best infertility doctor in Hyderabad is available to deal with all concerns of the patient.

Also in case a person does not have a partner or prefers not to use an anonymous sperm donor, then the person can go in for egg freezing rather than embryo freezing.

It is also important to know that in case a person does not have a partner, and in case both partners happen to be separated, then it may not be possible to have permission to use the preserved embryos. In some cases, it is better to keep one’s options open, a person can choose to freeze both embryos as well as eggs.

It does help to visit the best infertility center in Hyderabad for proper treatment.

Why is embryo freezing preferred these days by couples who plan to start a family of their own?

1. Beating the Biological clock

In present times couples go for a child in later stages of life, and a frozen embryo does give a better chance at pregnancy even for women above the age of 35.

2. Less Medication

As the embryo is already frozen, the patient needs to undergo less medication as compared to going in for a fresh embryo transfer. Rather than going in for stimulation medication, patients can make use of use estrogen and progesterone to thicken the lining of their respective uterus in preparation for embryo transfer in order to allow implantation.

3. Less Stress

FET cycles are quite often less stressful than fresh cycles o account of factors such as stimulation response, egg development, as well as embryo growth was considered during the fresh cycle.

4. Reduced Costs

IVF is costly. In case one’s first cycle does not play out the way a person expected it to, then having a batch of extra frozen embryos in order to use will indeed mitigate the need to go via another round of fertility medications—which can indeed be costly. This is where freezing the embryo helps. The initial fresh cycle is made use for freeze embryos so that you do not have to undergo the procedure again thus resulting in cost savings.

5. Not leaving it to chance

One of the benefits of IVF embryo freezing is that the patient knows about the number of embryos available to a person. Not all fertilized eggs will indeed turn into embryos, so by freezing embryos versus eggs, a person is reducing the risk of not preserving enough eggs for later IVF treatments.

6. Pre-implantation genetic testing

In case there is a genetic disorder then the mother does fear passing it on to the child, one can also exercise the option of having the embryos undergo genetic screening before they are frozen. Embryos that do not have genetic disorders can indeed be screened out and made use of for uterine implantation purposes. This is rather to ensure the infant’s health is in prime condition which also does add up as another benefit of embryo freezing.

7. Multiple chances at Pregnancy

If the transfer of one frozen embryo does fail to result in a pregnancy, then other remaining embryos can be transferred to increase the chance of pregnancy occurring. Thus having multiple frozen embryos that are available for use over an extended period of time happens to be an advantage only provided by cryopreservation.


It is evident that at the time of transfer, the frozen cycle in fact does require less of one’s body and involves less expenditure. Unless and until the patient is using a donor egg, it does become necessary to go through the same steps as it takes to get the fresh embryos via the transfer at a future time and date.

The best infertility doctor in Hyderabad can provide fruitful advice.

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7 Reasons to Consider Frozen Embryo Transfer

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