10 Ways How to Avoid Cesarean Section?

Off late delivery through Cesarean Section has indeed become more popular than normal delivery. Despite the fact that it is risky for both the mother as well as the child, even women having low-risk pregnancy are indeed opting for it. They do so in order to get away from the pain and the anxiety that one may experience during labor.

Related Read: Normal Delivery Vs Cesarean

However, there are women who do not want to deliver thus making use of this method. They do try to have a normal delivery in every way possible in order to have recovered after delivery through cesarean section as it takes a long time and could also pose complications in the future.

Deliveries through cesarean section are generally conducted in case of medical issues when any obstetric complications do arise. It can also save the lives of many babies as well as mothers. However, the risk factors that are associated with cesarean delivery are indeed are much opposed to normal delivery.

1. Choose the Health Expert Wisely

Before one goes into labor, it is good to research a bit on the hospital one wants to deliver and the doctor one wishes to hire to deliver. Many doctors do prefer delivery through Cesarean section because it is also easy for them. If a normal delivery is on one’s list of priorities, then one needs to hire a doctor who has had the least number of deliveries via cesarean section.

It is important to discuss with one’s doctor and the hospital about one’s delivery preference at the very beginning itself. Ask the hospital about their cesarean section rates and their birthing practices. If one is still not sure which doctor or hospital to choose from, then one can ask one’s relatives, friends or multiple women who may have had a normal delivery. It is indeed necessary to choose one’s gynecologist wisely in order to avoid a cesarean section or an unnecessary medical intervention.

2. Hire a Certified Midwife

Hiring a good midwife is indeed a great move. She does believe in the ability of the body to give a normal birth. An experienced midwife is better at guiding women during labor.

A certified midwife is well trained to guide a woman during vaginal delivery without any medical interventions such as a c-section or an epidural. She is even capable of helping a woman deliver at home. However, in the case of high-risk pregnancies, along with a midwife, it is rather advisable to consult a doctor as well.

3. Antenatal Class

Taking antenatal classes during one’s pregnancy can be a great help. The classes do teach one yoga postures which can indeed help one to have a normal delivery. The breathing exercises do help in easing the pain during the time of labor. Several tips are rather given to help avoid a cesarean delivery.

These classes will give you an insight into the various birth processes and also what to expect during labor. The knowledge about childbirth will be an added advantage if and when one needs to decide. The classes will have medical practitioners well as caregivers who answer one’s question on how to prevent a cesarean section.

4. Eating a Nutritious and Well-Balanced Diet

Undergoing labor and delivering a baby is no mean feat. It does take a lot of energy to do so. Therefore, eating healthy and balanced meals at regular intervals is indeed important

5. Exercising

Moderate exercises are essential to keep fit. The best form of exercises that one can do during pregnancy is walking, swimming and practicing pre-natal yoga poses which is beneficial during childbirth.

The Lamaze Technique (consciously patterned breathing exercises) that are usually taught in the antenatal classes are also indeed very helpful to cope with labor. However, pregnant women do need to refrain from doing heavy exercises like weight training.

6. Avoid Being Induced

Labor induction which is actually the process of bringing in labor through medicines may indeed be necessary sometimes. However, if the baby and mother are rather doing well, one needs to avoid it.

It is seen that labor induction does double up one’s chances of having a cesarean. Do not go to the hospital until one is in the last stage of labor. Reaching hospital early could also lead to unnecessary medical interventions like a c-section.

7. Learn How to Turn a Breech Baby

A breech baby is rather positioned as feet downwards and head upwards. This position does cause complications during the time of delivery. In this condition, a woman has to undergo cesarean delivery. Therefore, if one’s baby is in breech position at around the 36th week, one’s doctor or one’s midwife can teach one’s hands to belly movements to turn one’s baby’s head downwards.

This correction in the baby’s position will indeed reduce the mother’s chances of delivering through cesarean section. In case of failure to alter the required position of the baby, the doctor may, in fact, make use of forceps or vacuum extractor as a safer alternative to a cesarean section.

8. Getting Plenty of Rest in the Last Trimester

One does of rest during pregnancy and one also needs to stay active. A well-rested woman will be able to take up the challenge of delivering a baby without any interventions better than women who have not taken much rest. A woman does require a lot of energy while in labor and during the time of delivery. She will have this energy only if she is well rested during her pregnancy.

It is indeed essential for a pregnant woman to sleep for at least 7-8 hours a day. However, getting a comfortable position to sleep in during pregnancy is not easy. It is indeed advisable to turn on the left side while lying down with legs bent. One can keep several pillows in between the two legs and the lower back will give them more comfort.

9. The 3 Questions

Ask the doctor following questions if he suggests a C-section, ask him 3 questions –

  • Is the baby ok or is there something serious?
  • Am I doing okay or is something wrong with me?
  • Can we also wait for some time before going in for a cesarean section?

In case one’s doctor agrees to wait, that means there is no urgency.

10. Being Stress-Free During Pregnancy and Labor

Stress is indeed common during pregnancy and more so when one goes into labor. Just being calm and stress-free through the period is important. Feeling scared and anxious it can affect one’s baby and get him distressed in the mother’s womb. This could v also lead one to have pre-term labor and does force one to have a cesarean delivery.

Ferty9 Fertility Center is a hospital set up by highly experienced Fertility Doctors in Hyderabad & gynecologists with more than 25 years of experience to serve those with infertility issues, nationally and globally.



10 Ways How to Avoid Cesarean Section?

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