Mr. Vinesh Gadhia

Mr. Vinesh Gadhia

Vinesh Gadhia is a luminary in the Indian healthcare realm, amassing an impressive 29+ years of experience, primarily dedicated to the fertility sector. Previously, he held the pivotal roles of CEO and Director at ART Fertility and Senior Vice President and Head of IVF at Lupin Pharma. Vinesh's significance extends to being a founding member of NOVA IVF, where he masterminded the transition from developmental phases to successful commercialization. Over his illustrious career, Vinesh has been a trailblazer in advancing the fertility industry in India. He has consistently excelled in constructing high-performing commercial teams, devising comprehensive strategies, and cultivating pivotal scientific partnerships within the healthcare domain. Armed with a Bachelor's degree in Science, Vinesh Gadhia remains an unwavering pillar of expertise in the field, shaping its dynamic evolution.

CEO & Executive Director