Next-Gen Sequencing Procreates IVF Baby
Much of IVF failures are on account of the abnormalities in the DNA of the fetus. These abnormalities do prevent the successful implant and even lead to miscarriages. Though there are tests to detect genetic as well as chromosomal defects in the embryo prior to IVF, they are very expensive and also have drawbacks. A new detection method has been successfully developed. This method is indeed relatively less expensive and also does overcome the drawbacks of the previous methods.
This new investigation technique does allow the detection of an abnormal number of chromosomes, mitochondrial gene mutation, and also individual gene mutation of the IVF embryo within a span of 16 hours. This does negate the need for embryo freezing, thus, lowering the cost to a great extent.
New advancements in the fields of embryology and genetics testing have rather significantly improved In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) pregnancy success rates. The latest technological innovation, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) does enhance how embryologists analyze and also select quality embryos for transfer.
Benefits of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Quality embryos that have been identified in vitro through NGS have no doubt the highest chance of implantation. Making use of NGS in conjunction with IVF, high-quality embryos are indeed transferred to the patient’s uterus for the best chance of a healthy, successful pregnancy.
Through NGS technology, one can identify the gender of one’s embryos in conjunction with one’s IVF procedure. Gender identification and selection is a natural byproduct, of course, the NGS technology.
NGS does identify the most suitable as well as the healthiest embryo to transfer by detecting chromosomal deficiencies – aneuploidy which does have an extra or missing chromosome. NGS is indeed set to replace Pre-implantation Genetic Screening (PGS). NGS does allow embryologists to be able to view the genetic makeup of an embryo at levels far exceeding PGS technology.
- Significant improvement in pregnancy outcomes
- Enhancement of the given knowledge that embryologists do employ while selecting embryos
- Substantially more accurate as well as faster than PGS
- Comprehensive results
- Higher resolution
- Detects more translocations
- Reduced errors
- Less costly than no doubt PGS
Next-Gen Sequencing in IVF: How Does It Work?
NGS may perhaps be conducted as a standalone test – or in conjunction with PGS – at a rather quicker completion rate. NGS also does detect mosaicism – when an embryo’s cells do exhibit a different chromosomal content.
As a woman advances in age, the chance of chromosomal abnormalities in embryos increases. Low-quality embryos do result in:
- Low pregnancy success rates
- High miscarriage rates
- High chance for birth defects
30% Increase in IVF Pregnancy Success Rates
Universal blastocyst-stage NGS is indeed recommended because the procedure can also help increase the chances of a successful pregnancy by 30 percent.
State-of-the-art embryo biopsy techniques, as well as genetics technologies, have indeed proven to increase IVF pregnancy rates. Via the medical marvel of NGS in conjunction with IVF, genetic and chromosomal abnormalities can be well be detected in embryos.
After the genders of one’s embryos are identified through NGS, one can now choose the gender of the embryo(s) that one transfers during a fresh IVF cycle – or – a future Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) procedure. NGS technology does allow one the ability to balance the gender of one’s children as one plans one’s family. This is known as Family Balancing. The accuracy of gender selection through NGS is indeed greater than 99 percent.
Ferty9 being the best Infertility hospital has one of the best Fertility specialists in Hyderabad – Dr.Jyothi to handle infertility woes.

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