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Female Infertility

It is best to have it looked out by a professional fertility centre if a couple is unable to conceive naturally after a specific amount of time. In this regard, it should be highlighted that age should be taken into consideration while evaluating your individual findings as after a certain age, females have fewer chances of becoming pregnant naturally.

While some infertility causes are treatable through medical intervention, many are genetic and not manageable. Contemporary lifestyles, societal pressures, and demanding work cultures add stress to couples. Ferty9's expert team provides empathetic counselling and holistic solutions, addressing the challenges posed by modern life and fostering emotional well-being.

Factors contributing to a woman's increased risk of infertility include stress, diet, athletic training, weight fluctuations, smoking, alcohol consumption, and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). There are two primary types of infertility:

  • Primary Infertility: This refers to a situation where a couple is unable to achieve pregnancy even after a year of unprotected intercourse.
  • Secondary Infertility: In this case, a woman has previously been pregnant but is struggling to conceive again.

Female infertility investigations involve comprehensive steps such as hormone tests (estrogen, FSH, TSH, AMH), HSG for tubal blockage, diagnostic laparoscopy, pap smear, and pelvic ultrasound for conditions like PCOD and to monitor follicular development.


This surgery can help pregnant women who are having trouble carrying the baby to term. We offer hysteroscopy for both surgical and diagnostic purposes. Hysteroscopy is a technique that uses a tiny, narrow equipment that resembles a telescope. Analyzing any anomalies that may be present in the uterine cavity and surrounding area, to diagnose severe uterine issues such endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, scars, and uterine shapes and septa.


The uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries can all be examined through a laparoscope to check for any abnormalities. A surgery is conducted to view the pelvic and internal organs with a tiny telescope-like tool, inserted through a small cut close to the navel.