Why Dropping One’s Tobacco Habit is Important for Male Infertility?

Male infertility treatment in Hyderabad is worth trying out and is indeed excellent. Male infertility doctors in Hyderabad know it all. Best male infertility specialist in Hyderabad.

Whether or not a person personally makes use of tobacco products, It is better to know about the many associated risks. It is understood that Smoking leads to disease as well as disability and harms nearly every organ of the body. Male infertility treatment in Hyderabad is excellent and patients can try it out without any hesitation.

There is no doubt that tobacco in all forms is indeed harmful. It does affect health and fertility which is often overlooked. In particular, smoking is rather directly linked to increased infertility issues in both women as well as men. Male infertility doctors in Hyderabad do a good job they are well trained and much experienced. Those having fertility issues can approach them for guidance as well as treatment.

Emphasis is given to quitting tobacco habit although it is not so easy to do so.

How Does Tobacco Use Affect Fertility?

People are aware that smoking and other tobacco use negatively does affect almost every organ.

Egg Quantity and Quality

As a woman ages, her number of eggs do begin to deplete naturally. The eggs also do decline in quality and are also more likely to become damaged. The chemicals in tobacco, especially nicotine, carbon monoxide, as well as cyanide, speed up the rate at which those eggs are damaged or lost. Women who do smoke experience menopause one to four years earlier than those who do not.

Sperm Quantity and Quality

In order for conception to rather occur naturally, a man’s sperm must “swim” via the female’s reproductive system as well as implant and fertilize one of her eggs. Smoking tends to decrease the number of sperm, also causes the sperm to be abnormally-shaped, and hinder its motility, or even ability to move.

Increased Infertility Rates

Smoker, both female as well as male, have about twice the infertility rates as non-smokers. The risk of infertility does correlate directly to the number of cigarettes smoked each day. Even occasional smokers are substantially more likely to experience fertility problems. However, the risk is higher the more frequently a person smokes.

The effects of making use of tobacco are rater observed in women undergoing IVF fertility treatments. Couples in which either partner does smoke are as much as 30% less likely to become pregnant via IVF. Women who smoke usually have fewer eggs retrieved and do require more medications for stimulating the ovaries.

Pregnancy Complications

Beyond having a negative impact on fertility, tobacco usage is linked to an increase in pregnancy complications. Miscarriage, ectopic pregnancies, as well as pre-term labor rates are indeed higher in both smokers as well as smokeless tobacco users, and in such cases, the birth defect does occur. The possibility of having a baby with chromosomal defects such as Down syndrome does increase in smokers.

Secondhand smoke can indeed have a significant impact on fertility. This indicates that the pregnant woman is not safe even if she does not smoke in case her partner smokes.

Will Stopping the Use of Tobacco Products Really Improve Fertility?

Yes. The best and only way to improve one’s odds of conceiving is by quitting the use of tobacco products. They are injurious to the health of pregnant women and in fact in women in general. The more time that passes without making use of tobacco, the less likely a person will experience fertility and pregnancy complications on account of its usage.


Why not try out the best male infertility specialist in Hyderabad for overcoming bothersome fertility issues as patients can expect good results for their money spent.

Why Dropping One’s Tobacco Habit is Important for Male Infertility?

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